Cameron Palmer
Multimedia Sports Journalist
Multimedia Sports Journalist
I am a multimedia sports journalist who has covered high school sports, sports betting lines, Arizona Cardinals, HBCU All-Star Game and the Arizona Rattlers on print/digital and video/audio with most of my work being associated with video/audio. In my work, I have either written or created stories that can be seen as making cultural impact, bringing awareness to a specific topic, profiling a specific individual, or simply writing a game story on a contest.
I am fluent in most of the Adobe suites, such as editing in Premiere Pro, designing photos in Photoshop and orchestrating the tracks in Audition, but I am more proficient in editing in Premiere Pro due to my work in broadcast. And I also have some experience of working in the Microsoft suites.
I am fluent in most of the Adobe suites, such as editing in Premiere Pro, designing photos in Photoshop and orchestrating the tracks in Audition, but I am more proficient in editing in Premiere Pro due to my work in broadcast. And I also have some experience of working in the Microsoft suites.